Sunday, March 21, 2010

A shadow frame within for Shadow Shot Sunday

This old covered bridge, The Hoyt Station Covered bridge is framed within its entrance with a shadow
If you enjoy viewing covered bridge pictures you might enjoy my blog on covered bridges in New Brunswick. Please Just click on the link in the section, "My other blogs" in the right sidebar.

To learn more of Shadow Shot Sunday and perhaps to make your own contribution please click on the icon on the right sidebar of this page to go to the meme homepage. Happy Shadow watching to all


  1. A perfect frame. I do enjoy covered bridges. I don't believe we have any at all around this area.

  2. Perfect framing! I think it would be great to live near a lot of covered bridges. I would have to drive a couple hours to get to the ones that are left in Indiana.

  3. Mary, i live within close driving distance of 4 covered bridges and I love trhem. Ann

  4. That is so amazing. It's true...timing is everything. Having a good eye helps, too.

  5. Interesting shot! Just noticed your a fellow Canadian too on Sunday Shadow Shot too.
