Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Eastern Phoebe and Cowbirds

An Eastern Phoebe above, in the same location where it always is each year
Spring is bursting out sll over. The Easter weekend was 3 glorious days of warm, high temperatures with sightings of returning birds everywhere. We have had lots of hungry cowbirds in our yard. Lots of them, both male anf female. And we have our Tree Swallow house painted and cleaned in preparation for this year's occupants. We have never had a spring vacancy, it depends on who gets here first. They are lovely little backyard residents. We expect a pair to arrie any day now.


  1. Such fun anticipating arrivals of nesting birds! I'm sure they appreciate the efforts you spend in making their home look so inviting :-)

  2. Oh,I would love to have Tree Swallows nest in my yard.Good luck.
