Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Pine Siskin this morning

Another new arrival today in Bird.Alley today was a female Red-winged Blackbird(.shown above and just below) We haven't seen this bird for quite a while, so it was a welcome sighting.
Also this morning I noticed a Chipping Sparrow in Bird Alley, a new recent arriving of a returning species.

Also today we have had both male and female Purple Finch in our feeder area as well as White-throated Sparrows.


  1. A very sweet picture.

  2. Cute to see them together at the feeder. How nice to see the birds coming back!

  3. I am always thankful for the Pine Siskins,they bring such joy to the feeders.

  4. We used to have lots of pine siskins in our back yard trees - some of which just happened to be pines.
    A few years ago, we noticed that they weren't around anymore and discovered that there had been a parasite which decimated their population. They are still a rare sight for us.
    Nice to see them again through your lens.

  5. Siskins are pretty little birds. I only saw a couple this year. Wonder if it is the parasite that Stephanie mentioned.
