Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A male Ruby-throated Hummingbird for Ruby Tuesday

Happy Ruby Tuesday to all. Ruby Tuesday is a meme hosted by Mary, the Teach, that celebrates red. To see more contributions to this meme or to share your own red for
Ruby Tuesday please click on the HIGHLIGHTEDRuby Tuesdaywords on this page .


  1. ohhh, this is so cute, so vulnerable ...

    Weekend Animal Encounter

  2. I love hummers - how they shimmer and shine and sparkle! Great picture - is he on the ground?

  3. This picture is beautiful. I've never seen one in this position - they are always hovering or dashing off before I can capture a shot.

  4. Beautiful! Years ago, I was sitting on my back porch. I had on white dress with big red flowers on it. A hummingbird flew right up to me, it scared me at first, but it was the closest I have ever seen one.

  5. How did you get this so close for a hummingbird? These is so pretty!

  6. Anonymous1:00 PM

    What a dear closeup of a hummie! Sometimes they fly right into our garage because there's an orange tag that hangs down from the manual release lever, and they zip into it, then zip out again...just checking, you know!

  7. Great capture...he's a beauty!

  8. This is a great shot! That's sweet that your neighbor rescued it.

  9. A great shot & a great happy ever after tale!

    Happy RT!

    X LOLA:)

  10. This such a good shot. What a wonderful lil' bird. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I'm so glad it was OK! They are so pretty and I imagine very fragile. I found one on the ground last year and was amazed at how light it was and how wonderful it was to hold it! I read somewhere about having a shoebox around to put them in for a few minutes when you find them...closed up...and then release them. It calms them or warms them or something. Wish I could remember the details.
