Monday, June 21, 2010

Blue flowers in my garden for Blue Monday

The soft , delicate blue of the Spiderwort above suggests a tranquility of beauty in my garden. Erly this morning I took this picture in my wet garden after a heavy rain yesterday evening. I have thisSpiderwort speciest in three varieties, pink, white and blue. They are all beautiful.
This closeup of s blue lupine with the use of s poster edge filter enhances the oval shapes which make up its blossoms. I also see that I have the blue blossoms of Veronica are now in bloom in my garden and the Iris blossoms have detoriated away.

Blue Monday is a meme that hosts photos which highlights the colour of blue. Please click on the bluejay badge in the right sidebar to learn more of this interesting meme found at
. Have a great Monday, maybe even a blue oane.


  1. Beautiful flowers, the sunsets in the entry below are breathtaking. Helen

  2. Neat poster edge treatment of the lupines. And that spiderwort is so delicate looking. Ours are not blooming I'm thinking about them, though. Beautiful.

  3. I haven't seen this your photos for it. Blue isn't a real common color in nature.

  4. Very nice post, but I am blue because our dearest Bobbie from "Almost There" has passed away. She would like your photos.

  5. Stunning picture of the flowers, will definitely make my day. Keep posting.
