Monday, June 28, 2010

Red sandstone beachscape for Ruby Tuesday

Durin high tide at St. Andrews -by-the-sea,in New Brunswick, Canada this red sandstone formation is covered by the salt waters of Passamaquoddy Bay. When the tide recedes we are gifted with a lovely walking area on the ocean floor. Please click to enlarge and you can see where to walk.

Got photos with red? want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme


  1. That is an amazing scene.I love how you took a low angle shot,it's great.

  2. It is a beautiful scene. Love the colors. Gorgeous photo, well done!

  3. Nature's own earthy reds! A wonderful sight to see!

  4. Interesting shapes and a great red sandstone. The many shades of red contrast so well with the vivid blue sky and even more vivid water.

  5. thanks for your visit. i will wait for you with enthusiasm for haiku my heart friday.
    right now i would love a long walk across the lovely red sandstone.
    such beauty.

  6. wow...this looks like a painting! I would love to walk there with you.

  7. Mary, We wwould love to have you join us for a walk. On this day we walked as a family group with Riel and her family joining us. We celebrated my bierthday with a picnic. We had a lovely day until we had a flat tire! But once it was fixed we had a good drive home.
