Sunday, June 13, 2010

A spotted Sandpiper for Shadow Shot Sunday

I have been trying to get a picture of this little bird for several weeks now. I finally did early this morning and you can see its shadow too. A Spotted Sandpiper!

To learn more of Shadow Shot Sunday perhaps to make your own contribution please click on the icon on the right sidebar of this page to go to the meme homepage. Happy Shadow watching to al


  1. We have a Spotted Sandpiper that hangs around our creek quite a bit and he doesn't seem too afraid. I have several shots of him.
    I love your header. Last year I photographed a female Common Merganser with all her ducklings riding on her back swimming on the creek. Once in a lifetime shot.
    Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday.

  2. Spotted sandpiper,
    craving a tasty breakfast,
    fishes near the shore.

    Shadowy Pergola

  3. At least he wasn't afraid of his own shadow and you were able to get a shot of him! Great capture!

  4. Great photo!
    If your interessted check out my unique photo challenge website, every weekday has its own theme and a different photo challenge every week.
    The themes are:

    Monday - Creative Colors
    Tuesday - Macro
    Wednesday - 2 of a kind
    Thursday - Urban
    Friday - Sunset

    The winning photo for every theme/week gets their photo published on the website, check it out and ill be glad if you would join :)

    Have a good one!
