Monday, June 14, 2010

Two eagles flying

I have discovered or realized that if I go to river every day at a certain location I can often find eagles there. One day last week I was watching one eagle on the shore on the opposite side . When it started flying I followed its movements with my camera and at one point I realized
there were two eagles flying. I quickly checked my photos taken and yes! I had a picture showing both eagles in the air together. The picture was underexposed but I corrected that by lightening the picture with photoshop. I was very pleased with the results. I hope you enjoy it also. Have a great Monday! Ann


  1. I enjoy photos of eagles VERY much. I only wish I could capture some myself. They are so special.

  2. Now that is special,to get two Eagles in one picture.Thanks for sharing that moment with me.

  3. That was a great shot. Love those wispy feathers on the wing on the right side of the Eagle on the right. Helen

  4. Very neat! I like what you did with the photo!
