Saturday, July 10, 2010

garden reflections for Weekend Reflections

This isn't a current picture as my garden globe has been broken since this was taken and I miss it dearly for it is wonderful to view the reflections of my garden in it, as this time of year our garden is a daily focus..

Weekend Reflections a meme where you can view beautiful reflections captured by others. Just click on the logo on the right to see what others have captured with their cameras. Today promises to be a fine sunny one, I hope you fare as well with your weekend weather.


  1. I love the reflection in your garden globe

  2. That's a cool picture Ann. I love it, and you really need to get another globe. They are so pretty.
    A nice day in store for us after lots of much needed rain yesterday. Have a great week-end.

  3. What a gorgeous capture, Ann! I love those garden globes! Hope you're able to replace yours. Such a stunning reflection for the day! Have a lovely weekend!


  4. It's funny, I've sold a lot of garden globes but I've never owned one! With that pretty garden of yours, I'd be looking for a new globe.

  5. What a beautiful garden and reflections!
    Have a great day Ann.

    " Regina "

  6. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I like it -- very much.
