Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hollyhocks:a shade of red for Ruby Tuesday

When i frst saw this black tipped hollyhock blossom(like a lead pencil tip) I was quite excited for I once had a black hollyhock which I hadn't seen in bloom for years.

But the more I studied these blossoms I detected a hint of reddish, wine colour around their centers and had to acknowledge to myself that my brother in Alberta had sent me holyohock seeds one year which had wine or marron coloured blossoms when they grew.. I had to leave go of the delight of my black blossoms and accept the reddish hued shade of hollyhock petals such as was easily seen with this photo below taken this morning as being the ones that my brother Clair had sent..I have always loved hollyhocks. It is the first garden flower I knew. My mother always had some growing against the house by the back door. These old pictures of me when I was about 5 years old has helped bind hollyhocks to my memory
Intermingled with my memories of hollyhocks are memories of my grandfather

Got photos with red? want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme


  1. What lovely photos, especially the ones of you with your grandfather, and you measuring the hollyhocks with upstretchd arms!

  2. just wow, those holly hawks are beautiful . I love those black and whites as well

  3. Oh my gush I love your childhood photo. Hollyhock is part of your childhood. I have that kind of hollyhock too and it grows very tall. Since I planted 4 kinds of hollyhocks this year I see hummingbirds, bees and butterflies around. Planning to plant and buy it later when it's on sale hehe. Happy Tuesday!

    RT~Straw/blueberry pie

  4. Hollyhocks are such beautiful flowers. I can relate to your held breath while the blossom unfolded.

    We always had some, too, as my mother loved them. Your old photos add to the beauty of your flower photos.

  5. The hollyhocks are lovely. They are one of my favorite flowers. That first phtoto does look like a pencil tip, however, those photos of you as a child are just DARLING! What a cutie you were!

  6. I love the close up of the red, quite striking! But i really like the old photos too!
    Good stuff.


  7. Stunning colors of Hollyhocks.Mine are all so pale.

  8. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Just love the red blossom.

    Photos from childhood are a treasure and with your grandfather,too. At my parants house, at the back edge of the vegetable garden, Hollyhocks were planted, but there aren't any photos of those flowers, only memories.

  9. I've never seen black hollyhocks...these are so close, I would imagine they fool a lot of people. Very interesting.
