Monday, September 13, 2010

Female American Goldfinch for Mellow Yellow Monday

The beautiful soft yellow of this American Goldfinch outside my window this morning is very mellow! and soft and beautiful!

Another bird visitor this morning, an female Evening Grosbeak, was a great surprise!. A male Grosbeak would certainly qualify best for mellow yellow, but perhaps they will return later in the day bringing their guy feathered companions along. This female above is checking out the black plastic knob on the niger seed sock feeder to see if its an edible berry. I assume they will be at our mountain ash berries soon.They will be a colourful sight among the red berries.

Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow


  1. Oh yes, the very definition of mellow. What a lovely goldfinch.
    The grosbeak gave me a giggle to start my day. Thanks.

    Alberta, Canada

  2. You make me miss my appalachian birds.

  3. I always get a little excited when I spot a yellow flash of a goldfinch!

  4. She's a beauty-perfect Mellow Yellow.


  5. Wonderful little birds aren't they? I haven't seen any around here for a while. Hopefully soon!
    An English Girl Rambles

  6. I've never seen an Evening Grosbeak! Lovely to have so many visitors at your food. I've got skunks hanging around at night, so I'm cutting back on the bird food.

  7. Have you noticed the male Goldfinches are loosing their beautiful golden color?
    have a wonderful week-end Ann.
