Monday, September 06, 2010

My Yellow Tomato Harvest for Mellow Yellow Monday

I started the seeds for these yellow tomato plants indoors long ago, way back in mid-March. Then I transferred them to big pots to sit on my deck. As they became a bit large and unruly we placed the pots in our back lawn hosta bed. Finally I saw yellow blossoms on them and hoped the bees would find them too, they did! Thenone day I saw the beginnings ofsa small tomato. They did not ripen on thne vine though. I picked this tomato while green and wrapped it in newspaper to aid in its ripening. This method seemed to work for now we have this beautiful, 'delicious' fresh yellow tomato. I have one more that has ripened which I had since transferred to my back porch window sill. and several green ones alongside it. This morning I enjoyed my first taste of one. I shall definitely try my luck next year with growing this type of tomato!, hopefully I will have an earlier, more plentiful harvest.

Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow


  1. They look wonderfully delicious.
    Hope your day is going well.

  2. I think the yellow ones have a more 'mellow' taste. Those are beautiful.

  3. We bought some yellow ones recently...pretty tasty! I'm glad you told how to ripen it. Will try that with a green one that Mike picked.
