Saturday, October 30, 2010

Canadas in the marsh for Camera Critters

Yesterday morning we took a walk along the boardwalk over the Saints Rest Marsh at the Irving Nature Park in Saint John , N.B. I could see something rather tall far ahead in the marsh grass and now and then I could see movement there. As we got closer we recognized the very identifiable white notch at thetop of the black glossy neck that is characteristic of a Canada Goose.
They looked very hsndsome there in the brownish marsh grass. As we approached and got nearer, the geese took off in flight across the marsh.This is the photoabove that I have used as a header. What lovely critters these geese were for my camera.and what a lovely location for a walk this boardwalk was.

Camera Critters is a meme that features critters, any kind, any size. To see more of this meme please click on the CC logo which can be found on the right sidebar on this page or please click here.

Friday, October 29, 2010

GreatBlue Heron for Weekend Reflections

Taking a stroll, this Great Blue Heron's photo and reflection, shown above, was captured this morning at Saints Rest Marsh a part of the he Irving Nature Park at Saint John, NB. We also saw a few Canada Geese lurking in the grasses there as well as a few Yellow Legs, the first of that species we've seen this year.

Weekend Reflections a meme where you can view beautiful reflections captured by others. Just click on the logo on the right to see what others have captured with their cameras

Sunday, October 24, 2010

autumn beauty for scenic sunday

Mount Pleasant, New Brunswick
Lake Utopia, New Brunswick

Scenic Sunday:a meme of beautiful scenery. To learn more about scenic Sunday please go to: or to post your own contribution, please click on the link within this post

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A touch of orange for photo hunter

Tis the season for orange-leaved trees! It just keeps on getting better!
A drive by of an orange tree creating an orange colour blur!

Thisweek's theme for photo hunter week is orange and it is open to your own interpretation. To see what others have contributed or to add your own please click onthe photohunter badge at the top of the right side bar

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Red Blueberry fields for Ruby Tuesday

Yesterday we drove through woodlands along highway #785 and saw these beautiful red blueberry fields. The colour was dazzling on a bright sunny day. There was much beauty and colour everywhere. On our return home I just held my camera beside the window clicking on all the colour that I saw. The following picture captured a blur of red as we passed by.The woods in the distance, shown below, looked like an artists' working palette.
Got photos with red want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar or here: My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme

please note: It is not the blueberries that were red, but rather the foilage on the plants that has turned colour with the season.

Friday, October 15, 2010

winfshield reflections for weekend reflections

parked overnight under our ltsll , very old maples, the windshield greeted me in the morning with this beautiful reflection of the red leaves from above..

Weekend Reflections a meme where you can view beautiful reflections captured by others. Just click on the logo on the right to see what others have captured with their cameras

An American Robin and red berries for Ruby Tuesday

An American Robin

the Robin found the mountain ash berries, now to figure out how to reach them?

Ah ha! solution found! Just turn upside down !
Got photos with red want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar or here: My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Evening Grosbeak for Mellow Yellow Monday

The breast of this female Evening Grosbesk is actually gray with a touch of yellow near its shoulders, but the bright early morning light really enhanced and enriched the yellowish tones. This is not a frequent bird sighting but this morning a small flock of Robins were feeding on our mountain ash berries and this female Evening Grosbeak joined in on the feast. It was a welcome sighting.

Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Hairy Woodpecker for Camera Critters

We heard a loud ra-tat-tat and while searching for the source of the soundwe were hoping it was the large Pileated Woodpeker that had been seen earlier. Finding the souce coming from a feathered creature high near the barn top. We all agreed , especially after having seen the picture downloaded and enlarged that it was a male Hairy Woodpecker.

Camera Critters is a meme that features critters, any kind, any size. To see more of this meme please click on the CC logo which can be found on the right sidebar on this page or please click here.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Garter snake in the woods for Photo Hunter

We were walking through the woods yesterday when my daughter saw this long , lengthy snake. I don't think my id is far off to call this a garter snake.It fits the description I read of a garter snake. Its pattern was one oof alternating dark and light stripes.This snake looked like it might have been about a meter [yard] long if fully stretched out, from its head to its tail. It disappeared into the ground near the base of a tree. I assume there was a hole in the ground there.

Thisweek's theme for photo hunter week is stripes and it is open to your own interpretation. To see what others have contributed or to add your own please click onthe photohunter badge at the top of the right side bar

An Early Morning Sunrise For Skywatch Friday

Early Wednesday morning this week I spied some beautiful colour in the eastern portion of the sky when I let our cat out. Grabbing my car keys and camera I quickly drove to the river. It was more yellow tinted with pink rather than a red sky I was hoping for.

I didn't wait for the clouds to move over the river as I thought it wouldn't hold its strength and instead decided to drive further down the road to search my favourite pond for Canada Geese. I didn't find any geese, but I did find a colour enriched sky of yellow waiting for my camera.
My week began with a beautiful red sunrise as seen in my header and here at:

My thanks and appreciation to those who host Skywatch Friday. To learn more of this meme which features skies from all over the world please go to A Happy Friday to all

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Purple Finch in Bird Alley

above two female purple finch

We have had a lot of Purple Finch feeding at Bird Alley recently as well as some noisy Blue Jays and one White-throated sparrow yesterday and early yesterday evening a; slate coloured Junco!The Purple Finch are taking advantage of the food which I have spread around! See how full the finch in the photo above has filled his mouth!!!

I often mention Bird Alley, for those of you who are curious about Bird Alley, you can read about it here;

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

A Ruby Tuesday Sunrise

This photo above I have used as a header . It was a surprise to me to see the bird in the picture when I downloaded it.{ probably a crow] We were driving west and my husband saw the sunrise in our rear view mirror so he stopped and I took pictures from the side of the road. We don't get a good eastern view from our property and I hadn't noticed the sky when we left for an early appointment in the city.l

Ma Nature may have made a mistake yesterday morning with her colourful warning of
" red sky in the morning sailors take warning" as today's weather is predicted to be sunny and warm at 18 degrees, however her flamboyant liberal use of colour at this time of year is so apparent with the abundance of red so noticable at this time of year.
This photo above is an older one that had influenced me to take out my paint brushes a few years ago and to attempt to imitate Mother Nature. It is a good time of year to have painting supplies handy, It is fun trying to reproduce the autumn scenery.Got photos with red want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar or here: My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme

Our cat, Shakey for Tuesday's Cat

Shakey loves to be outdoors. He has a routine each morning now as he wants outdoors as soon as I get up. We sometimes think he has more characteristics of a dog as he loves to follow us around when we go outdoors. He loves to run up to us and nudge us. He seems to be a very happy cat and we are happy cat owners.
He has proven himself to be s good hunter and if might be well if the few voles around our yard could read.[ This sign abovewe found at a yard sale] He only brought a bird in the house once. We are hoping that he only soft mouthed the Goldfinch that he brought in one day. The bird escaped from the cat's mouth and my husband picked it up and let it fly from his hand when he took it outdoors. Shakey hasn't done anything like that again. He knew we were very annoyed with him!! AS Halloween is coming soon Shakey already has his costume on. He will fit in very well with the season.

Cats on Tuesday is a meme for cats posted on Tuesday. This is a new meme for me but its fits perfectly inoto my life style as cat owner. You can find this meme and other contributions at:

Monday, October 04, 2010

outdoors yellows for MellowYellow Monday

A walk across a marshy area to a small lake showed us a yellowing landscape. Yellowing grasses surrounded the lake.
This yellow -leaved tree was outstanding in its golden beauty!

Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Duck on pond for scenic Sunday

I felt very lucky yesterday to have seen this duck yesterday. It is the first I have seen at this location all year. There were none to be seen in the spring, nor all summer long. It used to be one of my favourite places for duck sightings. We think it is perhaps a Common Merganser. We will be driving by this location again today so I am hoping that I might perhaps see it again. The hint of colour reflected on the water denotes the season.

Scenic Sunday:a meme of beautiful scenery. To learn more about scenic Sunday please go to: or to post your own contribution, please click on the link within this post

looking Through A Covered Bridge for Scenic Sunday

This is the time of year when the beautiful view seen through a covered bridge is very enticing. A larger view of this exit landscape can be seen below. The colours are not yet at their height of beauty but I never tire of this view.The side view of this covered bridge is also accented with coloured leaves, The old gray barnboard of the exterior of the bridge lends to the ambiance of the setting.
Scenic Sunday:a meme of beautiful scenery. To learn more about scenic Sunday please go to: or to post your own contribution, please click on the link within this post