Friday, October 08, 2010

An Early Morning Sunrise For Skywatch Friday

Early Wednesday morning this week I spied some beautiful colour in the eastern portion of the sky when I let our cat out. Grabbing my car keys and camera I quickly drove to the river. It was more yellow tinted with pink rather than a red sky I was hoping for.

I didn't wait for the clouds to move over the river as I thought it wouldn't hold its strength and instead decided to drive further down the road to search my favourite pond for Canada Geese. I didn't find any geese, but I did find a colour enriched sky of yellow waiting for my camera.
My week began with a beautiful red sunrise as seen in my header and here at:

My thanks and appreciation to those who host Skywatch Friday. To learn more of this meme which features skies from all over the world please go to A Happy Friday to all


  1. Mother nature at her best...stunning photos.

  2. Such beautiful golden skies!

  3. All of your shots are breathtaking. The first one is amazing. Looks like a volcano spitting fire.

  4. We have had similar colors in our skies down here. Beautiful shots.

  5. Great photos, mornings like that where nature throws a surpise across the sky are a wonderful way to start the day.

  6. You sure did capture a gorgeous morning sky! Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Wow...that first shot is wonderful! What great color!
