Monday, November 15, 2010

Yellow tip of a Cedar Waxwing's tail for Mellow Yellow Monday

I always consider a Cedar Waxwing an outstanding bird and one of its outstanding identifying features is the yellow tip of its tail, which is easily seen in these three pictures. This morning our yard and cranberry tree and ornamental crab apple tree has been visited by quite a large flock of these waxwings. I hesitate to call them a swarm, but there seemed to be so many all over both of our crab apple trees. If I took a drive around our village I have no doubt that I would find many gobbling at all the red berries that they can find.Luckily for me my husband spied them in Bird Alley and circling our house for up until then I hadn't a picture to post for Mellow Yellow Monday.

Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow


  1. Lucky you! I keep waiting for them to come get the crab apples on my tree. It is covered with them and just waiting to be gobbled up.

  2. How wonderful! Great photos Ann. I rarely get to see them and when I have they haven't been that close. The are the most beautiful birds.

  3. Just saved a little one that had hit our window in Riverview NB today, Feb 22, 2016.
    Thought he was broken badly when we picked him up but he had a concussion. Slept for 8 hours and is bright eyed and bushy tailed now!
    Lots of cranberries, blueberries, grapes and apple in the cage for the night. Got him to drink some water from a syringe. Release tomorrow if he's back to normal.
