Monday, January 17, 2011

Common Redpolls for Ruby Tuesday

Looking out my window at these delightful little birds is a treat I seldom experienced for the past two winter seasons. But this year it is different.The past couple of days I have seen these little rosy breasted, red capped Common Redpolls feeding at our niger seed feeder.

Got photos with red want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar or here: My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme


  1. Wonderful yardbirds, the Redpolls are cute birds. Nice photos! I wish I had them in my yard.

  2. Wonderful yardbirds, the Redpolls are cute birds. Nice photos! I wish I had them in my yard.

  3. These birds are a real treat.I am still waiting for some to show up at my feeders.

  4. I also enjoy seeing the little Redpolls and watching them interact with one another--Some can be a bit bossy, sometimes, but I guess they're all hungry!

  5. What sweet little birds! Love their variegated colors.

  6. oh they are so cute.

    happy RT.

  7. Now I know where the Redpolls went! LOL. They were at my house a couple weeks ago for about an hour, left and didn't return, even though I put out a good lunch.

  8. You hit the jackpot this year! What a treat!
