Monday, January 10, 2011

I found Snow buntings!

I have been on the lookout for Snowbirds(Snow Buntings) ever since the snow arrived. Yesterday I found some in a field that looked like a good feeding place for them: flat with stubble sticking up from the snow, and not too far from home. Will I return with my biggest close up lens? You gotta believe me, "yes". and maybe I will take along the current book I am reading (Ken Follet's, The Fall of Giants) and park on the highway shoulder and wait for them to arrive. It sounds like a good plan for later today.


  1. Great job! I never have any luck trying to capture these sweet birds.

  2. I have never seen these so this is a treat to see your photos.

  3. Very nice birds. Hope you are lucky later too!

  4. Good thing they move. Their camouflage is superb. Nice catch!

  5. I find these birds extremely difficult to photograph.These pictures are good.Now if I lived closer,I would ask to join you on that bird safari.Sounds like fun.

  6. Wow..I've never seen a Snow Bunting before! They look beautiful. Apparently they rarely ever get this far south :-(
