Sunday, January 02, 2011

A sprinkling of birds

I have a change of report on Bird Alley activity since this mornings post. While seeing very few birds the past couple of days we have had a sprinkling of bird visitors today. very few and in small numbers only: I can report sighting; one bluejay 4 or 5 Goldfinch and a few Tree Sparrows and two or three Black-capped Chickadees. I do hope my numbers improve by tomorrow, for my camera is hungry!

a handsome tree sparrow


  1. Birdies have my heart. Love your bird posts.

  2. At least this is a start.I hope tomorrow brings many more.

  3. It is always nice to look outside during the winter and see the birds enjoying our food. I also love the birds.

  4. Great yardbirds, they do love the feeders when there is snow on the ground.
