Monday, March 28, 2011

Beautiful Black Ducks for Blue Monday

This is the time of year when my photographic focus turns to open areas of water, ponds, rivers or lawn ponds created by melting snow or overflowing river areas etc. My hopes are often diminished though when seeing a group of ducks from a distant only to discover they"are only Black Ducks." My camera enjoys the more beautiful and exotic appearing ducks such as Hooded Mergansers, Goldeneye, etc. However my evaluation of the Black Duck images capturedby my camera this week have developed into more positive phrasescausing me to utter expressions such as; "How beautiful!", Wow!"

Blue has long been my favourite colour and this week on a couple of occassions I have been lucky enough to have taken pictures of Black Ducks showing their beautiful blue speculum on their wings in flight. This blue patch is very striking and makes a beautiful sighting when you are lucky enough to view it. And even though I am still anticipating sightings of green winged Teal, Ring-Necked Ducks, Pintails, Northern Shovelor, etc in the near future, I will value more opportunies to photograph, the beautiful blue speculum of a Black Duck' on the wing'
Blue Monday is a meme that hosts photos which highlights the colour of blue. Please click on the bluejay badge in the right sidebar to learn more of this interesting meme found at :


  1. Lovely capture of the blue on the Black ducks. The ducks do seem to be on the move. Have a great weekend.

  2. Great action shots.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  3. Gorgeous!

    My critters, have a great weekend!

  4. What a great action shot of the Black Duck.....thanks for sharing one of your beautiful photo's.

  5. Nature shares the best blues!

  6. How interesting; you really got some great shots.

    Could you please correct the link to read:

    Thanks for sharing your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday, Ann.

  7. Nice one...Happy blue Monday...

  8. Beautiful birds and you managed to capture the blue colour on them.

  9. Wonderful to capture all those blue flashes. A pretty duck!
