Monday, June 13, 2011

A Goldenrod Crab spider for Mellow Yellow Monday

This Goldenrod Crab spider spider can also be called a flower spider, as it often sits and waits for its prey on a flower, This small spider can change its colour from white to yellow. It does not spin a web. As shown in the picture above this spider has a couple of red slashes on its abdomen.I remembered seeing a similar spider in my garden a couple of summers ago. I posted about it here: and I was able to id it by goggling goldenrod crab spider and then I clicked on images and compared my picture to others on the web. To learn more about this little spider you may visit here:

Got pictures with yellow that you would like to share? Why not post them on Mellow Yellow Monday, a delightful meme that focuses on the colour yellow?Just clink here: to access this mem


  1. it's a beautiful creature but i have goosebumps when i see spiders.:p i haven't seen this kind of spider before. great shots.

  2. Very interesting spider! Awesome shot...

  3. Isn't that the most gorgeous spider? That's a great find.

  4. You took some wonderful pictures of this beauty.

  5. Wonderful photos and a new insect or spdier for me. I've never seen this before. Happpy MYM!

  6. He (or she) is a colorful little critter!


    Yellow’s the color I wear at dawn
    When dancing dewdrops spangle the lawn.

    Red is the color I wear at dusk
    When earth and sky are dry as a husk

    And nothing stirs—not even a wing
    Of bat or swallow or anything!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Kuan Yin Temple

  7. Gorgeous!

    Yellow Lily, have a great week ahead!

  8. beautiful shots..:)

    Late visit from Mellow Yellow Monday
    Hope you can come and visit my MYMs at: White Crystals, Barter Goods, Kamias Flower, and my cute Little NBA Fan. Thanks!
