Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Poppies for Ruby Tuesday

Our poppies were magnificent this year! And they all came into bloom at once. This doesn't always happen. Other years we would have a bloom here and there, which seemed to extend their period of beauty. But now most of the blossoms are gone and I can see many seed heads( which I really like) in our poppy bed, but no matter their beauty is captured here in these photos!

Got photos with red? Why not share them by posting them to
Ruby Tuesday. To find this delightful red focused meme, please click here.http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/


  1. a gorgeous sight. wonderful series.

  2. Lovely! I'm noticing your flowers are a week or two behind ours in upstate NY! Even though the blooming times seem short, it's all worth it!

  3. I adore poppies, but ours are gone... miss them terrible. Your pictures are so pretty, Perfect for Ruby Tuesday. Genie

  4. Seeing your poppies takes me back a few years to a farm in Pennsylvania where I once lived. Outside one window there was a carpet of poppies every year. Gorgeous!


    Woman in the scarlet coat,
    Are you heading for a boat?
    Or perhaps you need a bus
    To get far away from us.
    Whether wheels or sails you take
    Don’t forget the chocolate cake
    To sustain you on your way;
    Red-clad damsel, now we say,
    “Go with grace, enjoy the ride,
    See you on the other side!”

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Faded Red Sidewalk

  5. My grandmother liked poppies and peonies. You gave me a moment of remembrance. Thank you. And I do like the header today... I do believe that turtle is showing what he thinks of us.

  6. Just beautiful! I love the back-lit shots.

  7. Gorgeous captures!

    Please take a peek at my ruby tuesday when you have a time.
