Thursday, June 02, 2011

Mourning Cloak Butterfly.

Finally I was able to get a picture of a Mourning Cloak butterfly! . I have been trying to do this since April when I had first started to see them on an old dirt road. Yesterday I had gone to a small pond hoping to see something to take a picture of when I saw something small and dark cross the road in front of my car, a dragonfly , maybe? I inched my car up to an approximate location when I had seen it enter the roadside bushes. Then I saw it! A beautiful Mourning Cloak draped on a small branch of a bush.
How delicate its ivory lacy edge looked and its beautiful blue spots on its black border were so lovely and distinct.


  1. I'm not familiar with this's so beautiful. And thank you for a story to go with it. Nice.
    I left an award for you on mine. Please drop by and pick it up - anytime.

  2. Great shot! I've never seen one of those. I have a lot of trouble getting the butterflies to pose so nicely for me :-)
