Monday, November 14, 2011

Lingering colour in Bird Alley for Mellow Yellow Monday

These yellow leaves along the roadside create an interesting picturesque frame for these Canada geese in the background.
Lovely colourful roadsides are abundant in our rural area.

Seen above is a group of Canada geese feeding in a harvested corn field.Bordering the fields at its edge are some Tamaracks showing their mature yellowing needles.

This is the time of year when the beautiful vibrant fall colours are dinished in their numbers and vividness. Upon looking out my windows at Bird Alley, about the only colour left is the yellow of our wild rose bush highlighting the background

Got pictures with yellow? Why not post them on the mellow yellow Monday meme by connecting to this link. Or You can click on its icon found on this page in the right column by finding it by scrolling down this page. If your plan is not to post a photo, then perhaps you will just want to enjoy all of the yellow contributions posted there.


  1. they're beautiful! awesome shot!

  2. Lovely photos ~ Love the birdhouses too! ~thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

    Might you consider linking up to my Magical Monday blog hop? namaste, Carol

  3. late visit for Mellow yellow Monday, mine is at, see you..

  4. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Looks like that 4th goose from the right has got some jewelry
