Tuesday, December 27, 2011

nature fabric pillowcase

A most beautiful and delightful gift I received from my daughter was a small pillow and pillowcase she had made for me out of nature fabric, The fabric is bright and bold with colourful songbirds on it; such as red Cardinals, Blue birds, Blue Jays and Chickadees. She also has given me a swatch of the fabric. She says it is a Fabricville piece. I shall go looking for it as it is a 'must have' beauty that would warm the heart of any birdwatcher. What shall I make with it? I dunno know, I shall just enjoy gazing at its beauty.


  1. Oh that is gorgeous fabric! I am a bird/nature lover and I must try to find a piece of that fabric. :) Enjoy your treasure. :) Happy Holidays!

  2. This is beautiful! You will have pleasant dreams sleeping on this one :-) I love making pillowcases with special fabrics....it is so much fun to choose the fabrics and an easy project to do. I haven't seen this fabric...it is really pretty and the birds are so real looking.

  3. That is beautiful print. Helen

  4. What a beautiful pillowcase!

  5. Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and your family, thanks for sharing your creative inspiration and that fabric is gorgeous.
