Monday, December 12, 2011

a red Cardinal brooch for Ruby Tuesday

I fell in love with this beautiful red rhinestone Cardinal brooch when I first saw it and I knew I had to buy it. The cardinal is such a beautiful bird and this jewellery reproduction appears to be quite faithful in its duplication I especially took note of the blunt looking heavy finch beck on this brooch and the red colour !!!!!!

Got photos with red? Why not share them by posting them to
Ruby Tuesday. To find this delightful red focused meme, please click here


  1. it's beautiful! love the color too!

  2. Very nice subject for a Ruby Tuesday.

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, all I can say is: "Gimme, gimme, gimme"!!! I would so love to have this brooch. Wow.

    Through my Kitchen Window

    Hope to see you visit, and, have a glorious Tuesday.

  4. What a glorious reproduction! and like you, I love the beak AND the ruby red. Glad you found it!

  5. You wear that dazzling red brooch and no one will be able to turn their eyes from you!


    Something cherry, something blue,
    Something scarlet just for you;
    Something blazing as the sun,
    Something red when day is done.

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Desert reds here and here

  6. Oh my .... it's Gorgeous!!
