Monday, March 12, 2012

daffodils for mellow yellow monday

Living in the Canadian northeast has its climate and weather frustrations at times. Especially at this time of year of lingering winter and when experiencing a slow approach of spring. I have been envious of those from more southern climes who have been posting beautiful spring blossoms. it will be quite a l o n g while before my daffodils bloom. But on Friday last we went shopping for our weekly groceries and I saw these most beautiful and colourful daffodils on display for sale. did I buy them? No,( I have an allergy to flowers within our house ( for my wedding I had an artificial apple blossom bouquet made by my florist mother-in-law). So last week I got out my camera and took these beautiful pictures, thinking, mellow yellow, yellow at each shutter click.
Got pictures with yellow that you would like to share? Why not post them on Mellow Yellow Monday, a delightful meme that focuses on the colour yellow?Just clink here: to access this mem


  1. That bouquet sounds like it was the perfect solution! These are lovely daffodils. Mine are beginning to bloom. I don't often get very many, but enjoy every one that I do get!

  2. Looks spring has just sprung. ^_^ Beautiful daffodils.


  3. delightful daffodils!

  4. My husband has allergy, so no flowers in my house too.
