Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Red berries and a male Purple finch for Ruby Tuesday 2

We have been watching these red berries for several weeks now.Every year these berries are devoured by Bohemian waxwings, hundreds of them! So every week when we see these berries are still there we breathe a sigh of relief for we haven't missed them yet! these berries are not in our community but a distance away, about a half an hour'd drive away.
I was delighted tosee this male Purple Finch when I downloaded the pictures from my birdcam yesterday morning. this is a bird seldom seen by us this winter, so the birdcam had a surprise for us!
Ruby Tuesday 2 meme features photos with red of any subject. To contribute to this meme please go to;
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  1. Congratulations on the rare capture. Well done.

  2. The berries do look good enough to eat--if you're a bird!

    Mask of Red and Yellow

  3. red berries and red bird, perfect combinations :-) Visiting from Ruby Tuesdays 2, hope that you can return your red visit too.


  4. Your red berries are beautiful but the little feathered one is a special bit of magic!
