Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Song Sparrow for Camera Critters

Welcome Song Sparrow,
Its been so long since we've heard your song.
Now that you're back to stay,
maybe the snow will soon go away!

Awonderful spring like message this week in Bird Alley came in the appearance of a Song Sparrow and it has been here every day since. Presently our yard is full of snow again, but we hope that Bird Alley will soon look as invitational and inviting as it has looked in the past. what can be lovelier on this St. Patrick.s Day than to recall green memories of a beautiful green Bird Alley. Have a great day everyone!

Camera Critters is a meme that features critters, any kind, any size. To see more of this meme please click on the CC logo which can be found on the right sidebar on this page or please click here.


  1. Beautiful shot of the song Sparrow and your yard looks gorgeous.

  2. Nice shots.

    Regards and best wishes

  3. Waiting for this much green here!

    That song sparrow looks like it has a handlebar mustache. Sweet shot.

  4. I'm looking forward to hearing a sparrow sing!

  5. I love to hear these little birds.

  6. I had a glorious day outdoors today, viewing birds in the wild, and in rehab! Your sparrow was gorgeous!

  7. I'm loving hearing the birds in the morning, it really does make it feel like spring, doesn't it?
