Friday, May 25, 2012

A view From the Sky for Skywatch Friday

Today I thought I would post a different sort of perspective, Rather than looking up at the sky I decided to look downward from the sky from an aeroplane window..  Last week my daughter and I traveled to Newfoundland.This first photo was taken as we were approaching Newfoundland, re: "the Rock", as much of this island province is rocky and hilly. the view from the airplane window was spectacular as we got closer.  Below is my favourite view of the photos I had taken.
We also saw an iceberg in the ocean below! How exciting! A second iceberg could be seen hugging the rocky shore near the bottom of the photo below
.My thanks to the hosts of Skywatch Friday for continuing to host this very popular Friday skywatch meme. If you would like to post your own photos or just enjoy looking to see the photographic offerings of others, please scroll down this page and look upon the right hand side to click on the skywatch logo to go to the meme. A happy Friday to all.


  1. Such spectacular scenery in Newfoundland. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. Beautiful captures indeed!Have a great weekend!


  3. Wonderful experience with your daughter. I haven't gotten to Newfoundland yet. We did visit Bar Harbor this May. Landscape looks similar. Memories are being made with you and your daughter....nice.
    Joyce M

  4. Beautiful, great perspective from the sky.

  5. Great photo... from your thumbnail I thought it might be of one of the Hawaiian Islands!

  6. What beautiful scenery to see from the plane. Lovely captures. Have a great weekend!

  7. Your second shot is absolutely beautiful!

    My Sky Shot, please come and see. Have a great weekend.
