Monday, May 07, 2012

Yellowish brown lichen for Mellow Yellow Monday

Yesterday while walking on a nature trail at New Maryland we saw this growth on a softwood tree. At first it appeared to be a large cluster oak leaves, however we soon realized it was not so as there were no twigs attached to the leaf-like cluster.  We next assumed it was some sort of fungus growth.Attempting to research what we might have found , there was nothing definite I found, however I have begun to think this growth is a lichen.  It was fascinating for sure, interesting.

  Got photos with yellow? That's all you need to qualify for the mellow yellow Monday meme: http://mellowyellowmonday.blogspot.ca Just scroll down the right-hand side until you come to the mellow yellow Monday logo. Just click on the picture and you're there. Just continue on and enjoy!


  1. I thous they were fungus too. Have a fabulous week.

    My MYM:
    Liz @ MLC
    Liz @ YACB

  2. Very pretty!

    Tulips, have a wonderful week ahead!

  3. I love looking at those in the woods.

    Yellow Hats, please come and see.
