Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Red Dominates the Roadsides for Ruby Tuesday Two

                                It seemed like a bit of a wait this year waiting for the much anticipated  colourchange of leaves to occur;but occur it did and the roadsides are now decorated with the beautiful hues of autumn.  It is an absolute visual delight to go for a drive through the roads of our woodlands.

Ruby Tuesday 2 meme features photos with red of any subject. To contribute to this meme please go to;
or just click on the Ruby Tuesday 2 badge at the top of the column on the right hand side of this blog page.


  1. We're still a couple of weeks away from the prime color season here in Northwest Arkansas. I'm ready for the cooler weather and the fall foliage display. Happy Ruby Tuesday.

  2. I am so not ready for cooler weather! Give me summer any time!!
    Great fall colours in your photos!

  3. Wonderful shots! Happy RT2.

    Mine's here.
