Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Bird Alley Surprises Today!

                                          A very welcome female Cardinal made an appearance!

                                              A  rare visitor to our feeders, a female Pine Grosbeak showed up today!

Before full daylight this morning I spied this Robin feeding on the tiny crab-apples of our ornamental crab apple tree.  Hey bird buddy, be sure to return later bringing all of your feathered friends for a group photo shoot.  I'll be waiting for you all with my camera. Below is shown a female evening Grosbeak.

Below is  a pair of male evening Grosbeaks

Its been a while since I have seen this species in Bird Alley but today they were a delightful sighting.  several Evening Grosbeaks, both male and female feeding at my feeders.  I have put out my birdcam and am hoping they may be lured back in front of the cam's lens as I have strewn black oiled sunflower seeds on the table in front of the cam.  Also today, another appearance of the male cardinal  in Bird Alley and the little Red=-breasted Nuthatch has been here already too.  Hopefully the Junco will show again today as well as the White-breasted Nuthatch.. both species were exciting sightings in Bird Alley yesterday.

Today 13 different bird species were sighted including:
a male and female Cardinal
male and female Evening Grosbeaks
 a female Pine Grosbeak
Hairy Woodpeckers ( two of them)
a male Downy woodpecker
an American Robin
many Goldfinches and
Pine Siskins
a Red-breasted Nuthatch
3 or 4 Juncos
Crows and Bluejays
Black-capped Chickadees
 As well as birds in Bird Alley, we also had squirrels present there: a Red Squirrel and a Grey Squirrel

1 comment:

  1. Great shots! The Juncos and Nuthatches are around here too--I've only had my feeders up for a couple of weeks, and I'm glad they're back and have brought their friends!
