Monday, November 12, 2012

male and female Evening Grosbeak for Mellow Yellow Monday

   Only for one day last week did we enjoy the beautiful bold yellow of the handsome male evening grosbeak and the demure yellow of the lesser brillant female of this species.
The following three scenes of yellow were seen from a passing train window.  Upon our return home from London , Ontario a week ago I woke in the morning to see many yellow Tamaracks outside our sleeping compartment window.  I said to my husband, "the Tamaracks have turned!  This hardwood appearing needled softwood tree lends its soft beauty to the woodlands at the end of the  brillant coloured leaf cycle and is most prominent in November in our area.  I spent the latter part of our train trip viewing their passing beauty
 In the first  photo below an extra yellow of the reflecting of the interior light within the train compartment is included . 

     speed blurs, pic taken from the moving train above and below

Got pictures with yellow that you would like to share? Why not post them on Mellow Yellow Monday, a delightful meme that focuses on the colour yellow?Just clink here: to access this meme


  1. Gorgeous capture of the Evening Grosbeak couple! The male is gorgeous.

  2. Love the Evening Grosbeaks, what a great visitor to have :-)

  3. lovely birds! Have a fabulous week.

    Liz @ MLC
    Liz @ MOT

  4. I really like the two birds pic - lovely composition and i like the touch of yellow agains the neutrals. I love the shots taken from the moving train. They really do show movement and gorgeous colour.
    You might like to share your work on Mandarin Orange Monday :)
