Monday, November 19, 2012

Pine Grosbeaks for Mandarian Orange Monday

These adult females Pine Grosbeaks lend their colouring easily to  this,my first posting on this meme,
 new to me Mandarian Orange Monday.  A grand theme and one that  would have been would have been a very appropiate  one in which to find examples for the past fall season with so many trees mantled with georgous orange hues.

                               I luckily chanced upon  a lush row of red berred trees and so had these Pine Grosbeaks.  Oh Happy Day!  What a wonderful find for both me and my camera. This grouip od berry trees calls me.  On this day we went to this location in hopes of finding feedin birds there and we did!

To podt photod on this meme and to learn more about it please go to:., or click on the mandarian orange icon on the upper right of this page. It will be a fun week looking ahead to next Monday and searching for orange.  Have a great day everyone!


  1. Your photos are really lovely, and my favorite has to be the first one!!

  2. What a beautiful grosbeak! I never see that one.
