Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Mystery Bird in Bird Alley

Yesterday morning I was quite baffled with a unclear shape of a bird sitting in a tree in Bird Alley.  I took a couple of pictures of it.  It remained rather stationary but I could
not get a clearer picture of it. My husband decided that it might be the female Cardinal that we usually see around Bird Alley each day, It did seem to have a hint of red about its side and breast and tail but I thought it might be a bit  too small for the Cardinal. I decided to check it out a bit closer and  at a +8 degrees C, reading on our outdoor theromometer the outdoors had an invitational quality about it.
So I went outdoors and quietly approached the bird in the tree. It was still there, it had not moved.

Ah ha!  It was a Leafbird stuck on a branch! What a delightful conclusion to the mystery bird in my tree!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. LOL....that is so funny! I've taken photos of a few "leafbirds", too! It does look like a bird from a distance.
