Friday, February 01, 2013

sunset for Skywatch Friday

                                    The colours in the sky were vibrant and rich.  Above is what I call a ribbon candy sky
                    And as the colours began to depart the clouds changed into thin strips of colour.
  Above, a calm of beauty and colour reflected in the early evening sky, a pastel mix of pink and blue.

  After a full day of high winds and rain and power outages, the evening sky took on a beauty as if a peace offering for the violent weather of the day; spreading calm and beauty over the early evening.  but the colour  was as fleeting as was the temperature of the day ,which was a high of +10 C, a wonderful change from our freezing temperatures of the previous weeks,  but January is now past, welcome February.  I hope you have good weather days in store for us.

 y thanks to the hosts of Skywatch Friday for continuing to host this very popular Friday skywatch meme. If you would like to post your own photos or just enjoy looking to see the photographic offerings of others, please scroll down this page and look upon the right hand side to click on the skywatch logo to go to the meme. A happy Friday to all


  1. Beautiful images :-)

  2. wow...very vibrant color! Any chance of you getting rid of word verification? I have so much trouble reading it, or I would comment more often.

  3. You shot some awesome shots. This evening is so nice. Thank you for sharing wonderful sunset.

  4. You should great feelings when shot this picture. beautiful picture.

  5. Really beautiful!
    Happy Sky Watch Friday!
    Lea's Menagerie

  6. The first photo is so amazing... looks just like ocean waves!

  7. Amazing sunset shots - so colorful! Oh - and I ditto the comment about getting rid of the word verification - I always have trouble with them and it's so frustrating.
