Saturday, April 13, 2013

Dandelions and Coltsfoot in bloom at Oromocto and more Osprey!

                                Shown  above are the first Dandelions in bloom that I have seen this spring!I found them nestled at the base of the Public Library building at Oromocto yesterday.  They become a nuisance plant later on as the season progresses, but to me they are a pure gold sighting at this time of year when many of us are wondering? Will winter ever go away? and When will spring unfold its gentle warmth and spread forth in growth welcoming all the beautiful retuerning birds and butterflies?Yesterday's sighting is all the more valuable to me this morning as I look out at our snow covered ground from an overnight snowfall!!!!!
    Another beautiful wildflower in bloom yesterday were these Coltsfoot, also found at Otromocto behind the Sobey's gasbar and the  Needs Convenience store  at the gasbar on Miramichi Road.  We look for early Coltsfoot blloms at this same location every year and yesterday was our lucky day. This location is another of our nature secrets. Knowing where to look is  treasured knowledge in the spring!
I also checked out the Osprey nest yesterday at the Sir Douglas Hazen Park at Oromocto and we found a pair of Osprey  on top of the nest there. This was another great sign assuring us that, "yes!", it is spring!

We found to our delight that the Osprey have returned to the nest  There were a pair upon the old nest there!
  Below you can see the nest in the background of the picture showing the park signage.

 Another bird that I took a photo of at Oromocto was this Ring-billed Gull and it is a species for all seasons!  There are always gulls to be found at Oromocto.  but I believe all species deserve their own time to pose for having their photo taken and to have their day being posted on a nature blog!
To be posted later today pictures of Canada Geese that we found at the Keswick Flats yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you've found dandelions and colt's foot already! I haven't seen either around here yet. Colt's foot is plentiful on the Rocky Road and along the Ridge Road too. Great photos of the Osprey! So nice to see. I look forward to the geese in Keswick. Some snow on the ground here but not as bad as predicted.
