Sunday, May 26, 2013

Rain Filled River

It has been raining for days and it has turned our river into a taging, frothy picturesque scene
I went down  to the river with my camera and set my shutter at a slower speed and I am very pleased with the results of the action in the river by using a slower shutter speed at 1/4 second


  1. Beautiful shots! I love how they water and waves look like brush strokes. I see the Keswick is up and spilled it's banks this morning.

  2. These are gorgeous shots.I love the slow shutter speed and the effect it gives.

  3. They are really beautiful and amazing photos! I love the creativity of them!c

  4. These are gorgeous photos and taken together give a powerful picture of a river at flood. Thank you for sharing these.

  5. I like what you did here...very arty looking!
