Friday, November 15, 2013

A unique bird feeder

A few summers ago we bought an old iron pump at a yard sale.  We brought it home and my husband mounted it on a post and put it in Bird Alley.  Its spout and around  its base are convenient places to put seeds and the birds seem to enjoy feeding at that location, especially the Blue Jays.  The seeds , especially black oil sunflower seeds don't remain long at that location!  Today it is a Blue Jay feast and their beautiful bright blue adds magnificent colour to our drab, dull, somber November landscape.


  1. It is a popular feeder with the bluejays. Great shots! Happy birding!

  2. Those are great blue jay shots! They sure like that feeder.

  3. Omigosh, what a good idea. I have one of those in my backyard. I feel an idea coming on.

  4. This is neat! They sure seem to like it!

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