Monday, February 03, 2014

A Nuisance Grey Squirrel!


  1. Obviously that squirrel doesn't suffer from claustrophobia ...

  2. The squirrels are cute but they are little devils too. Sometimes I worry they will get stuck in a feeder. Great shots, have a happy week!

  3. Nice to see you again Ann..

    My late friend was a wildlife rehabber and explained the dangers of relocating animals. Relocation usually results in the death of the animal due to its intrusion in anothers territory or from lack of knowledge of food sources.

    One squirrel removed will allow another to move into your area.

    The gray squirrels and at night the flying squirrels are welcome at one of my platform feeders although you can get feeders that really don't let them access it, but the only sure way is a pole, a baffle and a distance greater than 10 feet....Michelle
