Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Yesterday, A Day Full of Surprises!

I love these days leading up to the return of spring as often my optimism is rewarded. Yesterday I was hoping I might find ducks, but the river area I sought out was still frozen, but then I thought perhaps I could find robins, but the wild apple tree where I had found them last year at this time was denuded of apples.  So, I drove on and when I came to a road entrance where previous year I had found Snowbirds( Snow buntings), I decided to check it out.  And much to my delight I found a few Snowbirds along the roadside there.  

When they saw me, they flew up to the overhead wires  and posed for my camera! Next time I shall take my 400 mm lens with me, but these picture will  have to do for now
 .I continued on  my quest for finding some sign of spring and I found it!!!!!  Oh Happy Day, Pussy Willows with their beautiful white fluffy catkins in full view!
 Upon returning home I was so very happy with my morning, but the wonders of nature continued as around mid to late afternoon my husband spied bird activity around our bower in our backyard.
  This time I had my 400mm lens and although distant we were able to id the pictures as those of Bohemian Waxwings feeding on rose-hips in our backyard garden area.
  What a grand day it had turned out to be!  Hmmmmm What will today bring? I will keep you posted on today's developments and sightings.


  1. Waiting for that 400 mm shot to take a closer look at these beautiful birds!

  2. Congrats, I love the pretty Snow Buntings.
