Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Spring Reappearance; Purple Finch

Although we are waiting in anticipation and apprehension for a big winter storm which is headed our way to hit, I still remain aware that spring is near and very close by. Instead of snowflakes swirling in the air outdoors I shall pretend they are returning birds. The appearance of birds that haven't been present at our feeders all winter long is one such indication of an approaching seasonal change. This handsome male Purple Finch , shown above,made its seasonal reappearance at our feeders on Monday.
 He was a lovely sighting!  I haven't seen him since but after this coming storm is over and the official start of spring arrives next week I assume we will be welcoming many more of this species at our feeders!  Isn't the anticipation of spring great!


  1. A wonderful sighting for you. The goldfinches are back at my feeders this week after an absence. I'm watching for black birds but I guess there's too much snow yet.

  2. The Purple Finch is beautiful, great sighting..
