Thursday, March 20, 2014

First day of Spring

This is not the first day of spring that I had anticipated! I am very disappointed and feel very let down.
Although it is a beautiful day I do hope that this is the last snowy day of spring!!
                             A spring view along my street!
  Spring in my backyard on this, the first day of spring! Humbug!!!


  1. Snow on the first day of Spring, oh no! I hope it does not stick around.. Have a happy weekend!

  2. I agree! Humbug! This weather is really getting me down in the dumps. I love your gazebo/pergola in your yard. I imagine you are anxious to get out to use it. It will be a few weeks yet for sure.

  3. I feel your pain. Our snow disappeared two weeks ago and we kept our fingers crossed (HARD) that it would not return. Spring is sunny and bright and warmish here. Please, no more surprise snow.
