Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Chickadees and snow!

Welcome April!!!  I do hope you are more hospitable than March was.  These Chickadee pictures were taken yesterday during a stormy afternoon.  These little hardy Chickadees fare well and have returned already this morning.  Also this morning we had a Junco in bird Alley but I didn't get a picture of it yet.  Also a White-breasted Nuthatch showed up yesterday!

   Have a great day everyone and have a great April day!!


  1. what a great shot of the chickadee in the snow. we've actually caught a day of nice weather... it's 71 degrees and partly cloudy. the sun's even been trying to peek outside the clouds. hope it stays this way so i can have a nice night at my camera club meeting. have a great day~

  2. Chickadee are sweet birds, love them! Enjoy your week and happy April!
