Saturday, May 24, 2014

Rose- breasted Grosbeak for Saturday Critters

This Grosbeak is still hanging around bird alley and its favourite choice of food is black-oiled sunflower seeds. I found him feeding on the ground just in front of our bay window and I was able to get some close ups that show a few of its markings
 that I had not noticed before. Under each wing at the front is also a patch of its beautiful rose colour and down each side is a line of black dashes.  how interesting! In the picture below you can also see the rpose wing patch and the black dashes!

Today I am linking to Saturday Critters hosted by Eileen. Thank you Eileen for hosting this meme. Why not join the photo party with Eileen at

My apologies as I first called rhis grosbeak an evening Grosbeak, but I actually knew it was a Rose breasted grosbeak, I just made an error when tying in its name.  Thank you for the correction in the comments section!


  1. Hi great post of this beautiful bird and yes I think he is smiling

  2. very handsome fellow!

  3. You got some fabulous shots of this little guy! (He's a Rose-breasted Grosbeak). One of my favourite birds that visit my yard.

  4. What a gorgeous bird !
    Wonderful photos !

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. These are some gorgeous shots, I love the colourful plumage too! Lovely blog.

  7. Beautiful shots of the Grosbeak.. They are one of my favorite migrating birds. Thank you for sharing your post on Saturday's Critters.. Have a happy day!
