Saturday, October 11, 2014

Wood Ducks for Saturday Critters

I was hoping to find a few Canadas, but luck was, or wasn't with me and instead I found a beautiful pair of Wood Ducks in my favourite pond yesterday.
They were both so very colourful and I had never glimpsed the speckled breast of the female before!!  The water was slightly reflective and the male was doubly handsome! His white portions were so very crisply clean looking.
As is characteristic of ducks most times, but especially in the fall they were very skittish and flighty
and when they became aware of me they took off immediately, Above the white eye of the female separates the pair easily as to who is in the lead.
When they separated the male was easily identified!

With cropping I have separated the birds  from the photo above to see them better separately
.  The speckled underwing or breast of the female is really outstanding above!
And  the underwing part of the male is beige too, but unlike the female,  it is unspeckled!
Today I am linking to Viewing Nature with Eileen  at her Camera Critters.
Have a great day everyone, its such a wonderful time of year that I will be out there with my camera hoping to find some of Mother Natures Treasures.


  1. I love these gorgeous wood ducks. Great sighting and images.. Thanks so much for linking up, have a happy weekend!

  2. They are so beautiful and great flight shots as well. Have a great weekend.

  3. They're wonderful! I love wood ducks! I especially like the flight shots!

  4. Anonymous7:20 PM

    We have an abundance of Canada's here and not nearly enough Wood Ducks. So glad you found these and shared them here.

  5. Great shots, especially the ones in flight so you can see the underwings. Most people just photograph the males.
