Saturday, February 28, 2015

Blue Skies and a BlueJay for Saturday Critters

Yay!!!  the last day of February and it has been such a cold month!!!  this morning the thermometer outside of my window reads -30 degrees Celsius, and that is one reason why this photo is so special to me.  I took this picture yesterday and the sunny, blue skies were so beautiful. The heat of the strong sun through the windows of our sun room really warmed the room up nicely, doing exactly what s sun room should do by creating a cosy, inviting warmth in which to sit and read in.
We used to have Blue Jays everyday, all the time.  winter their visits have been rather intermittent! the last few days they have appeared in our yard by twos or threes, or sixes.  yesterday I saw three in our big old maple tree along our snowy driveway! I hope you enjoy this picture as much as I do!  I hope the Bluejays return again today!!
I am linking this morning with Eileen at

The first day of March returns tomorrow.  March is such a hopeful; month!1  Spring begins in March and so do a lot of starter plants for me in my house.  Tomato plants and Pansys are both high on my list.  Also, when and if ,the snow ever melts and goes away I will be looking for snow drops arising from the garden area where I planted the bulbs in the fall! 
Have a wonderful dsy everyone!


  1. Great capture, I love the Blue Jays even though they are bullies.. I am happy to see February come to an end and I am hoping March will be warm.. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy weekend!

  2. That is a gorgeous ppicture. I am so looking forward to warmer days. spring. :)

  3. Great shot of the Jay. Have a lovely weekend.

  4. The blue jays have not been as plentiful here either. Your pictures are very good.

  5. If you're not seeing Blue Jays, it's because they're here in northern Virginia! I counted 8 (!!) the other day, and they are hungry! I don't like how "piggy" they can be, but I do enjoy their color!
