Saturday, February 14, 2015

Woodpeckers for Saturday Critters

Our numbers at out bird feeders have diminished recently due to heavy snows and very cold temperatures,but there are regulars which I can depend upon to show up every day.  So far this morning I have had out two regular sparrow species ( the Tree Sparrows and our two Song Sparrows) The female Hairy Woodpecker has just showed up and she is a regular!  The favourite feeder choice of this female woodpecker is the peanut feeder. The male Hairy Woodpecker is a regular also and in the photo below you can see a glimpse of the red patch on the back of his head , which identifies this hairy as a male.
The pictures below are of the female Hairy Woodpecker at out peanut feeder this morning.  Note: there is no red patch seen on the back of her head.

And as a Happy Valentines wish for everyone today I am sharing this photo of a  male Downy Woodpecker displaying a red  heart shaped patch on the back of its head .
I am posting today to Eileens  Saturday Critters which can be found at:


  1. Great post on the woodpecker! I love the photos, especially your last heart on the downy's head! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy Valentine's Day weekend!

  2. Lovely set of shots however I like the last one the best. Have a great St Valentine's Day and a happy weekend.

  3. Excellent shots. We have a similar feeders and all Woodpeckers love it. The larger ones hang on it like the last pick of the Hairy.
