Monday, March 30, 2015

Hooded Mergansers and Canada Geese this morning.

As I do every day at this time of year I checked my favourite river  this morning where I usually find my first duck species every spring.  Last week it had been frozen over and today I found three pair of Hooded Mergansers there and a pair of Canada Geese. Wow! This was a very meaningful sighting for me!
It wasn't until I had returned home and downloaded the pictures that I realized that there were Canada Geese there too!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Mallard Ducks

Earlier this week on Monday, my husband and I determined to find some open water and some ducks.  We thought we would find open water at a river car ferry crossing and we did!  We found three duck species there: Mallards, Common Golden eye and Common Mergansers.  Here are photos of some of the Mallards we found there.

I am linking today to Eileen's Saturday Critters found at: 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Bohemian Waxwings for Saturday Critters

Yesterday when driving into a parking lot of an store I saw one bird in a berry tree there and by the highlighted tuft on the top of its head I hope I had found a Waxwing.  And yes I had.. Oh Happy Day!  I love these beautiful birds.  Their main attraction on the tress were of course the red berries or crab-apples there.  the picking was very sparse but they were finding a few of these delicious red gems.
I stayed around and took what photos I could of these magnificent birds and so here are a few more.

I am linking today to viewing nature with Eileen. 
 Happy first day of spring everyone!! May the snow soon stop and may it warm up soon also!!

l birds!!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

White Pigeon for Saturday Critters

I saw the white pigeon again last Saturday.  |It looked healthy, like it wintered well.  I haven't seen it again, but I have looked every day since.  I want to get a better picture of it, as when I took this picture my camera was on a' photo illustration' setting  and I think the setting takes away from the realism of it. I have been seeing this white pigeon for a year or more now. I worry that something might happen to it.  It is a beautiful looking bird!
I am linking today to Eileen's , Saturday's Critters  which can be found at:

Have a wonderful day everyone!

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Feeding Tree Sparrows

In the third photo I believe I can see the sparrow's tongue! Yes, birds have tongues and in some cases it is quite hard and has a bone in it.
I find this winter that seed bells have been very successful for feeing the birds.The sparrows seem to especially like them.