Saturday, March 21, 2015

Bohemian Waxwings for Saturday Critters

Yesterday when driving into a parking lot of an store I saw one bird in a berry tree there and by the highlighted tuft on the top of its head I hope I had found a Waxwing.  And yes I had.. Oh Happy Day!  I love these beautiful birds.  Their main attraction on the tress were of course the red berries or crab-apples there.  the picking was very sparse but they were finding a few of these delicious red gems.
I stayed around and took what photos I could of these magnificent birds and so here are a few more.

I am linking today to viewing nature with Eileen. 
 Happy first day of spring everyone!! May the snow soon stop and may it warm up soon also!!

l birds!!


  1. Congrats on the waxwing sighting, they are lovely! Happy Spring! Thanks for linking up, have a great weekend!

  2. Oh, they are such beautiful birds!

  3. Fantastic pictures of the Waxwing.

  4. I love these birds too! We don't get them here in Virginia, but we had them when we lived in Alaska, and I so loved seeing them eating berries in the winter. They really are beautiful!

  5. Cracking series of images. Have a lovely weekend
